Wednesday, December 1, 2010

For a Good Giggle....

So my mom's sweet friend Loree gave me a bunch of FREE baby gear. I mean who doesn't love FREE? I sure do!!!! I was super excited to get a baby Bjorn. So excited that I just had to try it on and put Izzie in it to make sure it worked just right. haha.

P.S- Please focus on Izzie's cuteness and not my double chin. Thanks.
Photo Credit: Taylor's Blackberry Curve. hehe. ;)


  1. Izzy is too much. I have a feeling she got a big kick out of being against her mommy's chest like that.

  2. So cute!! I hope you and peanut enjoy all of the treats!

  3. hahaha wow... I'm way behind on your bloggy blog. This pic is a classic. And Izz likes it way too much in there. She's going to be jealous of the lil butta bean when she loses her spot.
