Thursday, August 19, 2010

How I am Feeling

At 6 Weeks....

I am definitely nausesous. But typically it is at lunchtime. I have found that snacking helps.

I am soooo SLEEPY. Today I totally dozed off at my desk.

Cravings: I would eat ice cream anytime for every meal. I am actually slurping up a Chick-fil-A Ice Dream Right now. Also, Guacamole. Deliciousness.
--- please note my Doctor told me since I fall in the "big girl" category I can only gain 15 lbs. during my pregnancy. Most people are told 25-30lbs. Thats crap.

Aversions: The only thing that makes me gag as of right now is Badin's poop and the smell of cigarette smoke. Which is ironic since I have been a non smoker for less than a week.


  1. 15 lbs?? That is crazy! Eat whatcha want and we'll start walkin it out once the weather gets better. You'll be a healthy mama boo piece

  2. haha i know right. that seems like NOTHING. Especially since they have taken me off adderall and i quit smoking all at once.
