Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So what do you get when you take a 9 month pregnant lady and ramp up her work life to that of 50+ hours a week? That answer would be me.

My life has been pretty chaotic this last month. I see it as both a blessing and a curse in a way. Job security is a great thing. Especially embarking on mama hood as a single parent.

But the spoiled brat in me wants the world to stop for a few minutes so I can do a few extra special things to prepare for baby girls arrival. Instead, I am chained to my blackberry and lap top on practically all hours outside of the office. Work, work, work… busy, busy, busy.

And the truth of the matter is, I have NO CLUE to what real chaos is, because my daughter hasn’t even arrived. I mean, yes, I feel like I am running myself into the ground today… but how am I going to manage my time in a few months with an infant and a crazy job to balance? Lordy, Lord… these are the things that keep me and my double chins up at night. I am dreaming about work. All the time. Except for last night, I had a dream about Derek Morgan from Criminal Minds. I would like to think it was a post card from God, showing his appreciation for all my hard work.

So the long of the short of it is this… I am a terrible blogger. My apologies. I still have pictures to post of the nursery. I promise to get them up soon!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Showered with Love...

Shower Saturday March 5th
Where: The Ballantine Family Home

Fun Craving Station Game: Guess Which Snacks I craved while Pregnant!
Bacon, Spaghetti O's, Gummy Bears, BBQ Chips, Carmel Delights, BBQ Chicken Pizza

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice... Handmade/Crafted by Miss Megan Bowker

Make a wish for Lauren & Harper by placing it on the sweet Wish Tree
So sweet. Loved all the amazing wishes from my fabulous friends. I will treasure them forever.

Lemonade Station. Add your own home made Lavendar or Strawberry Syrup.

Monogrammed Cupcakes! Harper Grace Tate! So precious.

The spread!

Cupcake Tree.
Fabulous Hostesses.
Kristen, Laura, Taylor, Megan & Erica. Love you ladies!!!!
(not pictured Quinn) -- who was there in spirit. :)

Family & Friends Celebration

Sweet details!
The hostess: Mrs. Ginger Sineath
Ginger & Mi Madre. Ya Ya's for life :)
This baby girl is seriously spoiled!
This MaMa is so Thankful!

Me & Bryson.

The spread!
Gifts Galore & Cradle my mom Painted for Harper!

Fabulous Diaper Cake!!!

Shower Sampler

Shower Uno: Diapers & Wipes Shower hosted by Kelly Conklin & Jennifer "J.B." Fisher
Where: The Conklin Casa

Some of my sweet amazing lady friends. Please note there are 4 pregnant ladies on that couch!
Little Harper's wipes & goodies galore. She is already spoiled rotten!

Sweet details that made the day so special! :)

J.B, me (& my chins), Kelstar
The sweet hostesses of this sweet and lovely celebration.