Sunday, March 6, 2011

Showered with Love...

Shower Saturday March 5th
Where: The Ballantine Family Home

Fun Craving Station Game: Guess Which Snacks I craved while Pregnant!
Bacon, Spaghetti O's, Gummy Bears, BBQ Chips, Carmel Delights, BBQ Chicken Pizza

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice... Handmade/Crafted by Miss Megan Bowker

Make a wish for Lauren & Harper by placing it on the sweet Wish Tree
So sweet. Loved all the amazing wishes from my fabulous friends. I will treasure them forever.

Lemonade Station. Add your own home made Lavendar or Strawberry Syrup.

Monogrammed Cupcakes! Harper Grace Tate! So precious.

The spread!

Cupcake Tree.
Fabulous Hostesses.
Kristen, Laura, Taylor, Megan & Erica. Love you ladies!!!!
(not pictured Quinn) -- who was there in spirit. :)


  1. lovely, i know you and harper are loved lots! man, i want one of those cupcakes!!

  2. What a fun shower that was! I know I've said it, you've said it, the whole nation has said it, but that Megan is just so talented. Her little touches really made that shower so special. Kristen and I were sitting beside each other when you were opening presents and she looked over at me and said, "can you believe we're at a baby shower?" We've all known each other for so long! Kristen and I have known each other since 5 years old and here we are sitting together at a baby shower for our sweet, life long friend. It was very special.

  3. Looks like it was a great shower, I wish I could have been there - and the decorations were beautiful! Just lovely. Can't wait to visit with you in one short month!
