Tuesday, December 7, 2010

1/2 way to due date!


This week is my 20th week of pregnancy. 20 weeks in. ½ way there till baby girls arrival.

20 more weeks of GROWING. BIGGER and bigger by the day. Oh the joy.

So here are a few details no one ever shares about the joys of pregnancy that I am starting to experience with a fury.

Leaking. No I don’t have milk yet, so I am not referring to my nips. I am referring to my other lady region. That’s right friends. I feel like a need a dang diaper because my latest and greatest pregs symptom is peeing on myself. And sometimes I don’t even realize I am doing it. Gross.

Gorilla Hair. My hair is growing fast everywhere except on my head. I mean I went to shave my legs the other day and it was like holy crap have I morphed into an ape? I could have braided it. Ok, that is a little dramatic, but I could have brushed it for real. Sick.

Zit-i-licious. I made that word up. And I am referring to my face and my body. My face looks like a pubescent teenage boy and my chest and shoulders are just nasty. I got out of the shower this morning and glanced in the mirror and screamed in horror because I though I had a 3rd nipple. But no.. not a nipple… a zit. In the middle of my chest that is worthy of a trophy or something. Ridiculously nasty.

So when you are walking down the street and see an ape like woman coming your way don’t run and scream…it’s probably some 20 week pregnant lady just running her errands. Bless her hairy little heart.


  1. hahhaa... makes me want to run out and get pregnant today! No but for real, i was at McAlisters yesterday for lunch and as I was leaving a lady with a full on mustache walked in. Not whiskers, not a 5 oclock shadow... a full on hairy stache... A thick, groom-able stache. I'm pretty sure she was not pregnant...menopause perhaps, but not pregnant. That should make you feel better ;)

  2. haha. It does make me feel better Taylor. haha. And what is terrible is that when I read McAllisters I thought to myself, "hmm delicious."
