Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Holly Jolly…. And a Happy New Year…

I totally slacked off over the holidays on postings/updates… My bad.

Here is a brief update of the recent events in the Land of Lauren to catch you up to speed of what went down during the holiday haze:

Holiday Parties Galore. What lovely friends and family I have. There were some fabulous parties to attend and I did my best to make it to all of them! There was some serious belly touching involved in these festivities, especially when cocktails involved. I’m still not super comfortable with people stroking my fat belly… but my tummy seems to have some gravitating magnet growing in there that just attracts anyone and everyone’s paws. Fa La La La La.

Baby Girl Got Tons of Gifts from Santa.
–aka- Grandma-To-Be. My mother has already started her wardrobe collection for the first year of her life. I would be totally lying if I said I didn’t love it. She is going to be a styling little lady bug. Some of the things I opened made me almost squeal with delight! Also, Santa brought me a snazzy HD video camera to document all of these sweet little outfits and precious moments will little lady tot.

Registering. So, I finally caved in and went to register for baby girl. I had been avoiding it since I have a “complex” about registering. I mean, HELLO, I have registered for 2 weddings that never happened… so I am a little weary of picking up a scan gun. But, with my mothers support, we made it through a 3 hour scanning escapade in Buy Buy Baby. It may have been one of the most overwhelming things I have ever experienced. You wouldn’t believe how many different types of baby bottles they make. I ended up chatting up this other mom-to-be who had obviously done her research on all things newborns and stalked her through the store scanning the stuff she did. I did thank her at the end for all her guidance.

I promise there will be some pregnant pictures to come. I took a few to share over the holidays. So check back soon!

- And please note and applaud this will be the first New Year since the late 90’s that I will be bringing in the new year stone cold sober. So say a Cheers for me and baby tot. ;)

1 comment:

  1. haha good post. The holidays were super fun this year. You looked adorable at all the parties! Oh, and the hands free nursing bra was a highlight in my holiday schedule. "nurse while you check facebook! It's hands free!!!"
