Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 13 Update- Gender "Test" Results are in....

As of Sunday, butta bean is 13-weeks-old and about the size of a PEACH -crazy!
Also, Friday I got to hear the heart beat and it was just so sweet!

I have been obsessed with finding out the sex of this baby...like I HAVE to know...

So instead of calling the psychic hotline...which i have actually been tempted to do and asking Miss Cleo her professional opinion.....I decided to not spend $300 for a 3 minute convo and have taken matters into my own hands!

The past few weeks I have taken all the "not so legit" tests to hold me over until November 12th when we find out via ultrasound (legit) at the doctors office.

Here are a few of my findings:

Ring on a String: When you tie your ring to a string (in my case dental floss and hang it over your belly to see if it swings like a pendelum or in circles.
Circles = GIRL Back & Forth = BOY
My Result: GIRL

Chinese Birth Chart: This takes my age and the month you concieved and determines the sex.
My Result: GIRL

Pick a Cupcake: This one we ladies just made up. Megan made me a batch of delicious blue and pink cupcakes and I closed my eyes and picked one. This is the most scientific of all test out there.
My Result: BOY

Intelligender Pee Test: The verdict is still out on the effectiveness of this one but they claim to have a 90% accuracy rate. You pee in a cup and then syringe your pee into another "test cup" that has some type of mixture in the bottom of it ( I swear this scientific mixture had some glitter in it. Glitter = science +accuracy.) Then, I had to swirl my pee and the glitter mixture together for 10 seconds and then wait 10 minutes. This test gets points for having the most steps. Steps make it "feel official."
My result: BOY

Mama's Intuition: Some say that moms just know. I am not so positive on that either. I know plenty of people who thought one thing for 9 months and then found out the opposite... but I can admit I have had a gut feeling that my little butter bean has a weiner.
My result: BOY

So what does this mean???? I guess not much. But it sure is fun to try to guess. Until November 12th keep your guesses coming. I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Lauren, thats so funny, "my little butter bean has a weiner", honestly, for some reason I am almost convinced its a boy, I had a dream the other night and you and our baby boy were laying with me in bed, it made me very happy, but the point was it was a boy, keep blogging!, I have written a few letters to our baby this week, trying not to tell him/her how much of a dummy their daddy is but saying how excited I am about his/her birth and life
