Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Damn You Mr. Smoothie and Chef Boyardee

Butta Bean is 15 weeks old. Holy moly. And he/she is growing fast. It is nutso! I am pretty sure I have already felt some flutters. But they say you can easily mistake baby flutters for gas... but I don't buy it. I am sure its little bean moving and shaking in his little amnio casa. He/she is definitely a dancer. And maybe if I am lucky one day they will grow up to be on my favorite show So You Think You Can Dance (dance!dance!)

Well here is my pregnancy update for the week. In the past 4 weeks I have gained 4 lbs. which is "right on target" and makes my Dr. happy, much to my disgust. I know little bean is growing fast because in a single day even my fat pants won't zip anymore. My tops are still working out it is just the bottoms that are mocking me every time I try to put on anything without elastic. It is about that time that I cave into the world of maternity clothes. Lovely.

I am in my second trimester and feeling much more energetic. I still do a projectile vomit on occasion if I smell something gross. I actually threw up some of my lunch today when I got Badin and Izzie a treat because their delicious aroma intoxicated my over sensitive nostrils. Thank God for kitchen sinks. There was no way in the world I would have made it to the bathroom.

I am craving fruit smoothies and Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs (yes, from the can) on the frequent. I just have to have it. Like a crazy person. The smoothies are by far becoming a ridiculous addiction. They now know my name and my order at the Smoothie place in my building. I am drooling just thinking about the stupid things. Butta bean must like it FRUITAYYYY. Keep it sweet little bean. :)


  1. Told you they are good out of the can! haha

  2. Hey lady. I am behind on my blog reading because of SF. Smoothies are sounding delicious to me too (not the Spaghetti and meatballs so much). You should make grandma's spaghetti. I bet that would hit the spot.

  3. Love the SYTYCD shout out! When is that coming back on??? I know I'm not pregnant, but I crave the pasta with sundried tomatoes and artichoke every week. Can't get enough of it.
