Monday, August 23, 2010


Today marks the beginning of my 7th week. My little boo bop is about the size of a lima bean. He/she is developing or will have developed most organs by the end of this week, including its sweet little heart. So neat! Isn't that crazy???? I am still radiating joy over all this. I find myself smiling for no reason at all.

Please note it's not all rosey... there is still the matter of telling my mother tonight the exciting news. Please be praying that she takes the news well and is as happy for me. :)

Also symptoms.... I am still T-I-R-E-D all the time. Like I feel like a lazy bum because if you asked me at any given time what I would like to be doing my answer will be eating or napping.
haha. I feel so attractive. Also my boobs are already bigger and they hurt like a mo-fo... but I can take it in stride thinking about my little lima bean. It all for little sweet pea... so mama will endure. :)

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