Friday, August 20, 2010

So Typical...

So if you love me, you know how much I love beauty products. LOVEEE them.

I have already done my research on what is safe and healthy for mom and baby. I am already a little worried about having a pizza face since I was pulled off my anti-acne antibiotics and cannot use anything with salicylic acid, beta-hydroxy acids or retnoids (which are typically in anti-wrinkle creams.) I have also been warned that my skin is going to be EXTRMELY dry...

So I guess I will be going ALL Natural, which typically means EXPENSIVE. yuck. But a girl can dream.

Here are the things I have found HIGHLY recommended for Mama's To Be who want to put their best face forward:

Mama Mio Tummy Rub:

This line has the most adorable stuff including little gift sets that make me want jump for joy!!!

Mario Badescu Drying Cream and Facial Products:

Clarins Huile Tonic Body Treatment Oil:

Mama Bee Leg & Foot Cream:

Muestela Strech Mark Cream:


  1. Please NOTE Mama Bee leg and foot rub smells like REALLY strong peppermint and had both Rob and I about to puke because it was so strong. Not a big fan.

  2. I think my comments are not showing up that I post cause I don't see any of them. Am I too dumb to post a comment?

  3. Cause I was gonna recommend zinc supplement pills for breakouts. I don't know if you are allowed to take them or not. Don't know why not. Colleen says they are way the jam.

  4. Thanks Megs! I will totally look into it. That may be a great option!
