Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Updates, Etc.

Here are few updates on things in my world at the moment:

90 Day Challenge: I am still reading through my little bible study diligently each night. The low carb diet has been put on a hiatus at the moment. *Note: when this lady gets stressed she wants pasta or ice cream, not meat & cheese. Thanks. I will try to be good in the near future, but my excuse is that I have too much on my metaphoric plate to obsess about what is on my literal plate for lunch and din din.

27 weeks Pregnant:
Baby Girl is 27 weeks and counting. My latest and greatest pregnancy symptom is heart burn. Which makes me feel like a dragon with fire coming up my throat ever so often. It even wakes me up at night. It is just lovely.
There are 5 weeks until I meet again with the high risk pregnancy specialist to see if our little “cord issue” has resolved itself. Please be continuing to pray for that nasty (but VERY important to have) cord and for baby girl!

Car- Well its official my good old jeep was deemed total loss. Sad times. We had many a good times in that old car. The best part about my heap a jeep is that is was paid for. So I have to find something I can buy off the lot on the cheap so I don’t have a monthly car payment… With motherhood and baby expenses right around the corner, I don’t need an extra monthly expense. So that being said, be praying on me finding the perfect and safe vehicle for me a little lady bug. Finding a car is stressful when you don’t have any money to spare…. But I am confident that despite feeling frantic and stressed, God will provide. He always does.

Nursery- This weekend I am finally starting on the nursery! And by "I" I mean, my dear friends Megan and her sister Colleen and Taylor. They are going to paint for me on Saturday! I am thrilled to get started. I cannot wait to set up her crib and start decorating. I promise to update with pictures of the progress.


  1. 1. love the metaphoric full plate allows for enjoyment on the literal plate. perfectly put.

    2. boo heartburn. praying that peaces out soon and that the cord shimmies into its rightful place.

    3. i have a letter into ice t to "pimp your ride" when you ride it. so no worries.

    4. can't wait to see nursery progress pics, i am sure it will precious like you.

  2. I've heard that a lot of heartburn means the baby has a lot of hair. So maybe she'll have looong, beauuuuutiful hair.

  3. hhahahaha Colleen... Long beauuuuuutiful haar! WIth any luck, baby girl will look JUST like ol Knobby ;) hahah
